Swedish Business Culture

What is Swedish business culture? What is it like to work for a Swedish company? Swedish business culture is known to be quite different compared to many other countries. When doing business with Swedes or working in Sweden there are some basics that are good to know. Swedish business culture is built on teamwork, respect … Läs mer

Leadership for a new era

Challenged by COVID19, will CEO’s change the way that they lead? Will organizations evolve or return to past ways once the pandemic is over? McKinsey have counselled hundreds of CEOs since the start of the pandemic. In a recent article, they explore four shifts in how CEOs are leading. “It is clear to us that … Läs mer

International Engineers Secure Digitalization

In Swedish: INTERNATIONELLA INGENJÖRER SÄKERSTÄLLER DIGITALISERINGEN INOM AUTOMOTIVE Bilindustrin har återhämtat sig efter den stora nedgången i våras. Fordonstillverkarna har höjt tempot under hösten och utvecklingen förväntas fortsätta under 2021, bl.a drivet av EU:s stora stimulanspaket. Snabb teknisk utveckling skapar nya möjligheter Kina är i dagsläget den största marknaden och väntas växa från dagens ca … Läs mer